Presentation Skills

TitlePresentation Skills
Duration1 Day 0900- 1700 hrs
Number of attendeesTotal 50 spaces
Target AudienceNurses
Nurse Practitioners
Practice Nurses
Junior Doctors ( FY1, FY2 , CMTs, SPRs)
OverviewThe two words ‘information’ and ‘communication’ are often used interchangeably, but they signify quite different things. Information is giving out, communication is getting through.~ Sydney J. Harris
Effective Presentations provides access to corporate-level communication skills training thru a number of open enrolment workshops available to the public.

Facilitated by Nationally Certified trainers and packed with high impact training, our two-day Effective Presentations Skills Training training workshop will immediately position you to articulate your thoughts and ideas with confidence, competence and clarity in any setting.

From PowerPoint to POWERFUL!
Communication skills training is our specialty and our highly interactive workshops include stimulating activities and real-life practice that we guarantee will empower you to command attention, engage your audience and leave a lasting impression!

Hands-On Presentation Skills Training
A Nationally Certified Presentation Skills trainer will ensure you master critical verbal and non-verbal skills in a hands-on learning environment, and we’ll also focus on essential techniques for success, such as storytelling, effective Q & A, appropriate humor and effective use of visual aids!

Training presentation skills is our specialty, and our workshops include hands-on exercises and practical activities that will position you to command attention, engage your audience, and leave a lasting impression!

Imagine the power of seeing exactly what you look like, live and on stage before you deliver your next presentation!

Workshop participants may wish to deliver a number of short, videotaped presentations, under the direction of our expert trainers this is entirely optional. You then then receive immediate, constructive feedback. Our certified trainer focuses on your strengths, while addressing your weaknesses, and will share critical insights you can immediately incorporate into your presentations. The results are rapid, and the results are spectacular!

Discussion and role play
Presentation Practice
Prepared presentation (approx. 2 min) Private Individual Coaching Individual written evaluations by course leader

Elements of a Presentation Content, design & delivery Developing a strong open and close Communication Venues

First Impressions
Creating an immediate impression
Controlling nervousness
Building rapport with the audience

Establishing the Baseline
Introduction Presentation (approx 1 min) Feedback on strengths & areas for improvement

Developing Spontaneity
Thinking on your feet
Mind mapping exercises

Creating a Stronger Presence
Presenter’s stance - your posture speaks loudly Using gestures to clarify and enhance the message Body language doesn’t lie

Presentation Practice
Presentation on posture and gestures Instructor feedback and group discussion

Eye Contact and Facial
Expressions Using eye contact to build confidence & rapport Painting the picture with gestures

Instructor feedback and group discussion

Making Presentations Fun
Discussion and role play Getting out of yourself and into the audience Appropriate use of humor in a presentation Voice Overs

Techniques for Greater Impact
Exercises for a more assertive delivery style Round table discussion Best and bombed presentations

Using the Voice Effectively
Developing greater awareness of the voice Speaking more confidently Developing a more expressive voice
Exercise to develop more conviction in voice

Managing Q & A Sessions
Controlling the process Dealing with difficult questions

Taking out the Trash
Unprofessional use of Filler Words Eliminating the from your vocabulary

Presentation Practice
Role playing Q & A sessions Controlling the process

Pulling It All Together
Final prepared presentation (approx. 5 min) Private Individual Coaching

General Feedback Session
Individual written evaluations by instructors

Presentation Practice
Presentation focused on voice and filler words

Overcome your fear of public speaking
• Transform nervous energy into enthusiastic excitement
• Understand and develop each fundamental presentation aptitude
• Utilize verbal AND nonverbal techniques to engage your audience
• Quickly “think on your feet” in meetings and in front of a crowd
• Turn attention from yourself and actively involve the audience
• Support your message with appropriate visual aids
• Connect with any audience and compel them into action
• Dramatically increase your closing ratio and boost your sales
Teaching ModeLive Lectures
Practice sessions
Interactive sessions
Course MaterialPDF handouts sent via e mail prior to the course
PricingNormal Price on the day£ 120
Special Discounted Price on Advance Booking£ 95
PaymentPayment On Line:
Bank Details: Barclays Bank
Account No: 80454036
Sort: 20-45-45
Quote reference: Presentation Skills
Please email Course Administrator after payment to confirm your place
Payment by Card:
Telephone: 07535502085
Quote reference: Presentation Skills
Please email Course Administrator after payment to confirm your place
Course AdministratorMs.Sally Linell
Tel: 01234-247065 - 07535582085
VenueCorner 5 Hotel
Box End Park
Box End, Kempston
Bedford, MK43 8RQ
Tel : 01234 846 222