
Duration1 Day 0900- 1700 hrs
Number of attendeesTotal 50 spaces
Target Audience Nurses
Nurse Practitioners
Practice Nurses
Junior Doctors ( FY1, FY2 , CMTs, SPRs)
OverviewThe Basic TTE Education course has been designed to provide a good understanding of Basic Transthoracic Echocardiography. The Basic TTE course focuses on how to perform and interpret a transthoracic echocardiography study using 2-D and color flow Doppler. Additional learning includes basic hemodynamic state assessment, ventricular function and valve pathology, which have been categorized into those that are likely to cause hemodynamic compromise or those that may not. By the end of this course, the participant will be exposed to a wide variety of cardiac pathology
Teaching ModeLive Lectures
Practice sessions
Interactive sessions
Course MaterialPDF handouts sent via e mail prior to the course
PricingNormal Price on the day£ 240
Special Discounted Price on Advance Booking£ 195
PaymentPayment On Line:
Bank Details: Barclays Bank
Account No: 80454036
Sort: 20-45-45
Quote reference: Echocardiogram
Please email Course Coordinator after payment to confirm your place
Payment by Card:
Telephone: 07535502085
Quote reference: Echocardiogram
Please email Course Coordinator after payment to confirm your place
Course AdministratorMs.Priscilla Du Plessis
Tel: 01234-247065 - 07535582085
VenueCorner 5 Hotel
Box End Park
Box End, Kempston
Bedford, MK43 8RQ
Tel : 01234 846 222